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Organising committee

Nizar Moayeri

Neurosurgeon UMC Utrecht

Jasper van Tiel

Orthopedic surgeon UMC Utrecht

The department of Orthopaedics of the UMC Utrecht

The treatment of complex spinal problems in adults and children is one of the four spearheads of the department of Orthopaedics at the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMC Utrecht), The Netherlands. Our spine surgeons are nationally and internationally renowned in the field of spine care, education and research.

We are specialized in the treatment of acute spinal injuries in (poly)trauma patients, spinal metastases, spinal infections and degenerative deformities. At the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (integral part of the UMC Utrecht) we focus on the treatment of patients with all different types of scoliosis and patients with rare bone diseases affecting the spine like Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

Since 2002, the spine care at the UMC Utrecht is integrated in the multidisciplinary neuro-orthopaedic Spine Unit, in close multidisciplinary collaboration with departments like the traumatology, rehabilitation medicine and oncology. The Spine Unit provides complex care at the supraregional and national level and is recognized as centre of expertise by the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU), the AO Spine and the International Group for Advancement in Spinal Science (IGASS). We offer nationally and internationally accredited spine fellowship programs.